Guesting – Bruce Bromley


Guesting – Bruce Bromley

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UND 11

In a world where so much hatred is (legally) state-supported, one urgency above all bears holding on to: remembered bodies reflect what any culture decides to see. The elided ones were never there. Or they were there to be deleted. Bruce Bromley’s Guesting, with photographs by Tom Lecky, resists that deletion by exploring—by connecting—the essay’s capacity for analysis and for memory-based scene making, suggesting the reciprocity between a larger world in which analytical activity happens and the lyricism of a self worth fighting for. Each affirms the reality of the other. That affirmation means, for those who can hold to it, that we are audible, visible, here. And we are not alone.

9x6 inches. 72 pages. Designed and with photographs by Tom Lecky. Softcover. Printed by The Studley Press, Dalton, Massachusetts. ISBN 978-1-7375743-5-4

Bruce Bromley is the author of Making Figures: Reimagining Body, Sound, and Image in a World That Is Not for Us (Dalkey Archive Press, 2014) and The Life in the Sky Comes Down: Essays, Stories, Essay/Stories (Backlash Press, 2017), nominated for the 2018 Victoria & Albert Best Illustrated Book Award. His poetry, fiction and essays have appeared in Out Magazine; A & U: America's AIDS Magazine; Open Democracy; Gargoyle Magazine; Fogged Clarity: An Arts Review; Environmental Philosophy; 3:AM Magazine; Cleaver Magazine; Entropy Magazine; The Nervous Breakdown, and elsewhere. He has performed his music and poetry throughout the US and Europe. He teaches writing at New York University, where he won the Golden Dozen Award for teaching excellence.

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